Source code for pybamm.solvers.jax_solver

# Solver class using Scipy's adaptive time stepper
import numpy as onp
import asyncio

import pybamm

if pybamm.has_jax():
    import jax
    import jax.numpy as jnp
    from jax.experimental.ode import odeint

[docs] class JaxSolver(pybamm.BaseSolver): """ Solve a discretised model using a JAX compiled solver. **Note**: this solver will not work with models that have termination events or are not converted to jax format Raises ------ RuntimeError if model has any termination events RuntimeError if `model.convert_to_format != 'jax'` Parameters ---------- method: str, optional (see `jax.experimental.ode.odeint` for details) * 'BDF' (default) uses custom jax_bdf_integrate (see `` for details) * 'RK45' uses jax.experimental.ode.odeint root_method: str, optional Method to use to calculate consistent initial conditions. By default, this uses the newton chord method internal to the jax bdf solver, otherwise choose from the set of default options defined in docs for pybamm.BaseSolver rtol : float, optional The relative tolerance for the solver (default is 1e-6). atol : float, optional The absolute tolerance for the solver (default is 1e-6). extrap_tol : float, optional The tolerance to assert whether extrapolation occurs or not (default is 0). extra_options : dict, optional Any options to pass to the solver. Please consult `JAX documentation <>`_ for details. """ def __init__( self, method="BDF", root_method=None, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-6, extrap_tol=None, extra_options=None, ): if not pybamm.has_jax(): raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Jax or jaxlib is not installed, please see" ) # note: bdf solver itself calculates consistent initial conditions so can set # root_method to none, allow user to override this behavior super().__init__( method, rtol, atol, root_method=root_method, extrap_tol=extrap_tol ) method_options = ["RK45", "BDF"] if method not in method_options: raise ValueError(f"method must be one of {method_options}") self._ode_solver = method == "RK45" self.extra_options = extra_options or {} = f"JAX solver ({method})" self._cached_solves = dict() pybamm.citations.register("jax2018")
[docs] def get_solve(self, model, t_eval): """ Return a compiled JAX function that solves an ode model with input arguments. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model whose solution to calculate. t_eval : :class:`numpy.array`, size (k,) The times at which to compute the solution Returns ------- function A function with signature `f(inputs)`, where inputs are a dict containing any input parameters to pass to the model when solving """ if model not in self._cached_solves: if model not in self._model_set_up: raise RuntimeError( "Model is not set up for solving, run" "`solver.solve(model)` first" ) self._cached_solves[model] = self.create_solve(model, t_eval) return self._cached_solves[model]
[docs] def create_solve(self, model, t_eval): """ Return a compiled JAX function that solves an ode model with input arguments. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model whose solution to calculate. t_eval : :class:`numpy.array`, size (k,) The times at which to compute the solution Returns ------- function A function with signature `f(inputs)`, where inputs are a dict containing any input parameters to pass to the model when solving """ if model.convert_to_format != "jax": raise RuntimeError( "Model must be converted to JAX to use this solver" " (i.e. `model.convert_to_format = 'jax')" ) if model.terminate_events_eval: raise RuntimeError( "Terminate events not supported for this solver." " Model has the following events:" f" {}.\nYou can remove events using ` = []`." " It might be useful to first solve the model using a" " different solver to obtain the time of the event, then" " re-solve using no events and a fixed" " end-time" ) # Initial conditions, make sure they are an 0D array y0 = jnp.array(model.y0).reshape(-1) mass = None if self.method == "BDF": mass = model.mass_matrix.entries.toarray() def rhs_ode(y, t, inputs): return (model.rhs_eval(t, y, inputs),) def rhs_dae(y, t, inputs): return jnp.concatenate( [model.rhs_eval(t, y, inputs), model.algebraic_eval(t, y, inputs)] ) def solve_model_rk45(inputs): y = odeint( rhs_ode, y0, t_eval, inputs, rtol=self.rtol, atol=self.atol, **self.extra_options, ) return jnp.transpose(y) def solve_model_bdf(inputs): y = pybamm.jax_bdf_integrate( rhs_dae, y0, t_eval, inputs, rtol=self.rtol, atol=self.atol, mass=mass, **self.extra_options, ) return jnp.transpose(y) if self.method == "RK45": return jax.jit(solve_model_rk45) else: return jax.jit(solve_model_bdf)
@property def supports_parallel_solve(self): return True @property def requires_explicit_sensitivities(self): return False def _integrate(self, model, t_eval, inputs=None, t_interp=None): """ Solve a model defined by dydt with initial conditions y0. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`pybamm.BaseModel` The model whose solution to calculate. t_eval : :class:`numpy.array`, size (k,) The times at which to compute the solution inputs : dict, list[dict], optional Any input parameters to pass to the model when solving Returns ------- list of `pybamm.Solution` An object containing the times and values of the solution, as well as various diagnostic messages. """ if isinstance(inputs, dict): inputs = [inputs] timer = pybamm.Timer() if model not in self._cached_solves: self._cached_solves[model] = self.create_solve(model, t_eval) y = [] platform = jax.lib.xla_bridge.get_backend().platform.casefold() if len(inputs) <= 1 or platform.startswith("cpu"): # cpu execution runs faster when multithreaded async def solve_model_for_inputs(): async def solve_model_async(inputs_v): return self._cached_solves[model](inputs_v) coro = [] for inputs_v in inputs: coro.append(asyncio.create_task(solve_model_async(inputs_v))) return await asyncio.gather(*coro) y = elif ( platform.startswith("gpu") or platform.startswith("tpu") or platform.startswith("metal") ): # gpu execution runs faster when parallelised with vmap # (see also comment below regarding single-program multiple-data # execution (SPMD) using pmap on multiple XLAs) # convert inputs (array of dict) to a dict of arrays for vmap inputs_v = { key: jnp.array([dic[key] for dic in inputs]) for key in inputs[0] } y.extend(jax.vmap(self._cached_solves[model])(inputs_v)) else: # Unknown platform, use serial execution as fallback print( f'Unknown platform requested: "{platform}", ' "falling back to serial execution" ) for inputs_v in inputs: y.append(self._cached_solves[model](inputs_v)) # This code block implements single-program multiple-data execution # using pmap across multiple XLAs. It is currently commented out # because it produces bus errors for even moderate-sized models. # It is suspected that this is due to either a bug in JAX, insufficient # sparse matrix support in JAX resulting in high memory usage, or a bug # in the BDF solver. # # This issue on GitHub appears related: # # # # Split input list based on the number of available xla devices # device_count = jax.local_device_count() # inputs_listoflists = [inputs[x:x + device_count] # for x in range(0, len(inputs), device_count)] # if len(inputs_listoflists) > 1: # print(f"{len(inputs)} parameter sets were provided, " # f"but only {device_count} XLA devices are available") # print(f"Parameter sets split into {len(inputs_listoflists)} " # "lists for parallel processing") # y = [] # for k, inputs_list in enumerate(inputs_listoflists): # if len(inputs_listoflists) > 1: # print(f" Solving list {k+1} of {len(inputs_listoflists)} " # f"({len(inputs_list)} parameter sets)") # # convert inputs to a dict of arrays for pmap # inputs_v = {key: jnp.array([dic[key] for dic in inputs_list]) # for key in inputs_list[0]} # y.extend(jax.pmap(self._cached_solves[model])(inputs_v)) integration_time = timer.time() # convert to a normal numpy array y = onp.array(y) termination = "final time" t_event = None y_event = onp.array(None) # Extract solutions from y with their associated input dicts solutions = [] for k, inputs_dict in enumerate(inputs): sol = pybamm.Solution( t_eval, jnp.reshape(y[k,], y.shape[1:]), model, inputs_dict, t_event, y_event, termination, ) sol.integration_time = integration_time solutions.append(sol) return solutions