Source code for pybamm.spatial_methods.spatial_method

# A general spatial method class
import pybamm
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import eye, kron, coo_matrix, csr_matrix, vstack

[docs]class SpatialMethod: """ A general spatial methods class, with default (trivial) behaviour for some spatial operations. All spatial methods will follow the general form of SpatialMethod in that they contain a method for broadcasting variables onto a mesh, a gradient operator, and a divergence operator. Parameters ---------- mesh : :class: `pybamm.Mesh` Contains all the submeshes for discretisation """ def __init__(self, options=None): self.options = {"extrapolation": {"order": "linear", "use bcs": False}} # update double-layered dict if options: for opt, val in options.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): self.options[opt].update(val) else: self.options[opt] = val self._mesh = None def build(self, mesh): # add npts_for_broadcast to mesh domains for this particular discretisation for dom in mesh.keys(): mesh[dom].npts_for_broadcast_to_nodes = mesh[dom].npts self._mesh = mesh def _get_auxiliary_domain_repeats(self, auxiliary_domains, tertiary_only=False): """ Helper method to read the 'auxiliary_domain' meshes """ if tertiary_only is False and "secondary" in auxiliary_domains: sec_mesh_npts = self.mesh.combine_submeshes( *auxiliary_domains["secondary"] ).npts else: sec_mesh_npts = 1 if "tertiary" in auxiliary_domains: tert_mesh_npts = self.mesh.combine_submeshes( *auxiliary_domains["tertiary"] ).npts else: tert_mesh_npts = 1 return sec_mesh_npts * tert_mesh_npts @property def mesh(self): return self._mesh
[docs] def spatial_variable(self, symbol): """ Convert a :class:`pybamm.SpatialVariable` node to a linear algebra object that can be evaluated (here, a :class:`pybamm.Vector` on either the nodes or the edges). Parameters ----------- symbol : :class:`pybamm.SpatialVariable` The spatial variable to be discretised. Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Vector` Contains the discretised spatial variable """ symbol_mesh = self.mesh.combine_submeshes(*symbol.domain) repeats = self._get_auxiliary_domain_repeats(symbol.auxiliary_domains) if symbol.evaluates_on_edges("primary"): entries = np.tile(symbol_mesh.edges, repeats) else: entries = np.tile(symbol_mesh.nodes, repeats) return pybamm.Vector( entries, domain=symbol.domain, auxiliary_domains=symbol.auxiliary_domains )
[docs] def broadcast(self, symbol, domain, auxiliary_domains, broadcast_type): """ Broadcast symbol to a specified domain. Parameters ---------- symbol : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol to be broadcasted domain : iterable of strings The domain to broadcast to auxiliary_domains : dict of strings The auxiliary domains for broadcasting broadcast_type : str The type of broadcast: 'primary to node', 'primary to edges', 'secondary to nodes', 'secondary to edges', 'full to nodes' or 'full to edges' Returns ------- broadcasted_symbol: class: `pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size for the spatial method """ primary_domain_size = sum( self.mesh[dom].npts_for_broadcast_to_nodes for dom in domain ) secondary_domain_size = self._get_auxiliary_domain_repeats(auxiliary_domains) full_domain_size = primary_domain_size * secondary_domain_size if broadcast_type.endswith("to edges"): # add one point to each domain for broadcasting to edges primary_domain_size += 1 full_domain_size = primary_domain_size * secondary_domain_size secondary_domain_size += 1 if broadcast_type.startswith("primary"): # Make copies of the child stacked on top of each other sub_vector = np.ones((primary_domain_size, 1)) if symbol.shape_for_testing == (): out = symbol * pybamm.Vector(sub_vector) else: # Repeat for secondary points matrix = csr_matrix(kron(eye(symbol.shape_for_testing[0]), sub_vector)) out = pybamm.Matrix(matrix) @ symbol out.domain = domain elif broadcast_type.startswith("secondary"): # Make copies of the child stacked on top of each other identity = eye(symbol.shape[0]) matrix = vstack([identity for _ in range(secondary_domain_size)]) out = pybamm.Matrix(matrix) @ symbol elif broadcast_type.startswith("full"): out = symbol * pybamm.Vector(np.ones(full_domain_size), domain=domain) out.auxiliary_domains = auxiliary_domains return out
[docs] def gradient(self, symbol, discretised_symbol, boundary_conditions): """ Implements the gradient for a spatial method. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol that we will take the gradient of. discretised_symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({ {"left": left bc, "right": right bc}}) Returns ------- :class: `pybamm.Array` Contains the result of acting the discretised gradient on the child discretised_symbol """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def divergence(self, symbol, discretised_symbol, boundary_conditions): """ Implements the divergence for a spatial method. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol that we will take the gradient of. discretised_symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({ {"left": left bc, "right": right bc}}) Returns ------- :class: `pybamm.Array` Contains the result of acting the discretised divergence on the child discretised_symbol """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def laplacian(self, symbol, discretised_symbol, boundary_conditions): """ Implements the laplacian for a spatial method. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol that we will take the gradient of. discretised_symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({ {"left": left bc, "right": right bc}}) Returns ------- :class: `pybamm.Array` Contains the result of acting the discretised laplacian on the child discretised_symbol """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def gradient_squared(self, symbol, discretised_symbol, boundary_conditions): """ Implements the inner product of the gradient with itself for a spatial method. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol that we will take the gradient of. discretised_symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({ {"left": left bc, "right": right bc}}) Returns ------- :class: `pybamm.Array` Contains the result of taking the inner product of the result of acting the discretised gradient on the child discretised_symbol with itself """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def integral(self, child, discretised_child, integration_dimension): """ Implements the integral for a spatial method. Parameters ---------- child: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol to which is being integrated discretised_child: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size integration_dimension : str, optional The dimension in which to integrate (default is "primary") Returns ------- :class: `pybamm.Array` Contains the result of acting the discretised integral on the child discretised_symbol """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def indefinite_integral(self, child, discretised_child, direction): """ Implements the indefinite integral for a spatial method. Parameters ---------- child: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol to which is being integrated discretised_child: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size direction : str The direction of integration Returns ------- :class: `pybamm.Array` Contains the result of acting the discretised indefinite integral on the child discretised_symbol """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def boundary_integral(self, child, discretised_child, region): """ Implements the boundary integral for a spatial method. Parameters ---------- child: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol to which is being integrated discretised_child: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size region: str The region of the boundary over which to integrate. If region is None (default) the integration is carried out over the entire boundary. If region is `negative tab` or `positive tab` then the integration is only carried out over the appropriate part of the boundary corresponding to the tab. Returns ------- :class: `pybamm.Array` Contains the result of acting the discretised boundary integral on the child discretised_symbol """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delta_function(self, symbol, discretised_symbol): """ Implements the delta function on the approriate side for a spatial method. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbol to which is being integrated discretised_symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol of the correct size """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def internal_neumann_condition( self, left_symbol_disc, right_symbol_disc, left_mesh, right_mesh ): """ A method to find the internal neumann conditions between two symbols on adjacent subdomains. Parameters ---------- left_symbol_disc : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol on the left subdomain right_symbol_disc : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised symbol on the right subdomain left_mesh : list The mesh on the left subdomain right_mesh : list The mesh on the right subdomain """ raise NotImplementedError
def preprocess_external_variables(self, var): return {}
[docs] def boundary_value_or_flux(self, symbol, discretised_child, bcs=None): """ Returns the boundary value or flux using the approriate expression for the spatial method. To do this, we create a sparse vector 'bv_vector' that extracts either the first (for side="left") or last (for side="right") point from 'discretised_child'. Parameters ----------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The boundary value or flux symbol discretised_child : :class:`pybamm.StateVector` The discretised variable from which to calculate the boundary value bcs : dict (optional) The boundary conditions. If these are supplied and "use bcs" is True in the options, then these will be used to improve the accuracy of the extrapolation. Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.MatrixMultiplication` The variable representing the surface value. """ if bcs is None: bcs = {} if self._get_auxiliary_domain_repeats(discretised_child.auxiliary_domains) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot process 2D symbol in base spatial method") if isinstance(symbol, pybamm.BoundaryGradient): raise TypeError("Cannot process BoundaryGradient in base spatial method") n = sum(self.mesh[dom].npts for dom in discretised_child.domain) if symbol.side == "left": # coo_matrix takes inputs (data, (row, col)) and puts data[i] at the point # (row[i], col[i]) for each index of data. Here we just want a single point # with value 1 at (0,0). # Convert to a csr_matrix to allow indexing and other functionality left_vector = csr_matrix(coo_matrix(([1], ([0], [0])), shape=(1, n))) bv_vector = pybamm.Matrix(left_vector) elif symbol.side == "right": # as above, but now we want a single point with value 1 at (0, n-1) right_vector = csr_matrix(coo_matrix(([1], ([0], [n - 1])), shape=(1, n))) bv_vector = pybamm.Matrix(right_vector) out = bv_vector @ discretised_child # boundary value removes domain out.clear_domains() return out
[docs] def mass_matrix(self, symbol, boundary_conditions): """ Calculates the mass matrix for a spatial method. Parameters ---------- symbol: :class:`pybamm.Variable` The variable corresponding to the equation for which we are calculating the mass matrix. boundary_conditions : dict The boundary conditions of the model ({ {"left": left bc, "right": right bc}}) Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.Matrix` The (sparse) mass matrix for the spatial method. """ # NOTE: for different spatial methods the matrix may need to be adjusted # to account for Dirichlet boundary conditions. Here, we just have the default # behaviour that the mass matrix is the identity. # Create appropriate submesh by combining submeshes in domain submesh = self.mesh.combine_submeshes(*symbol.domain) # Get number of points in primary dimension n = submesh.npts # Create mass matrix for primary dimension prim_mass = eye(n) # Get number of points in secondary dimension second_dim_repeats = self._get_auxiliary_domain_repeats( # Convert to csr_matrix as required by some solvers mass = csr_matrix(kron(eye(second_dim_repeats), prim_mass)) return pybamm.Matrix(mass)
[docs] def process_binary_operators(self, bin_op, left, right, disc_left, disc_right): """Discretise binary operators in model equations. Default behaviour is to return a new binary operator with the discretised children. Parameters ---------- bin_op : :class:`pybamm.BinaryOperator` Binary operator to discretise left : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The left child of `bin_op` right : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The right child of `bin_op` disc_left : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised left child of `bin_op` disc_right : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The discretised right child of `bin_op` Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.BinaryOperator` Discretised binary operator """ return bin_op.__class__(disc_left, disc_right)
[docs] def concatenation(self, disc_children): """Discrete concatenation object. Parameters ---------- disc_children : list List of discretised children Returns ------- :class:`pybamm.DomainConcatenation` Concatenation of the discretised children """ return pybamm.DomainConcatenation(disc_children, self.mesh)