Source code for pybamm.expression_tree.concatenations

# Concatenation classes
import copy
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import sympy
from scipy.sparse import issparse, vstack

import pybamm

[docs]class Concatenation(pybamm.Symbol): """ A node in the expression tree representing a concatenation of symbols. **Extends**: :class:`pybamm.Symbol` Parameters ---------- children : iterable of :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbols to concatenate """ def __init__(self, *children, name=None, check_domain=True, concat_fun=None): # The second condition checks whether this is the base Concatenation class # or a subclass of Concatenation # (ConcatenationVariable, NumpyConcatenation, ...) if all(isinstance(child, pybamm.Variable) for child in children) and issubclass( Concatenation, type(self) ): raise TypeError( "'ConcatenationVariable' should be used for concatenating 'Variable' " "objects. We recommend using the 'concatenation' function, which will " "automatically choose the best form." ) if name is None: name = "concatenation" if check_domain: domains = self.get_children_domains(children) else: domains = {"primary": []} self.concatenation_function = concat_fun super().__init__(name, children, domains=domains) def __str__(self): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.__str__()`.""" out = + "(" for child in self.children: out += "{!s}, ".format(child) out = out[:-2] + ")" return out def _diff(self, variable): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol._diff()`.""" children_diffs = [child.diff(variable) for child in self.children] if len(children_diffs) == 1: diff = children_diffs[0] else: diff = self.__class__(*children_diffs) return diff
[docs] def get_children_domains(self, children): # combine domains from children domain = [] for child in children: if not isinstance(child, pybamm.Symbol): raise TypeError("{} is not a pybamm symbol".format(child)) child_domain = child.domain if child_domain == []: raise pybamm.DomainError( "Cannot concatenate child '{}' with empty domain".format(child) ) if set(domain).isdisjoint(child_domain): domain += child_domain else: raise pybamm.DomainError("domain of children must be disjoint") auxiliary_domains = children[0].domains for level, dom in auxiliary_domains.items(): if level != "primary" and dom != []: for child in children[1:]: if[level] not in [dom, []]: raise pybamm.DomainError( "children must have same or empty auxiliary domains" ) domains = {**auxiliary_domains, "primary": domain} return domains
def _concatenation_evaluate(self, children_eval): """See :meth:`Concatenation._concatenation_evaluate()`.""" if len(children_eval) == 0: return np.array([]) else: return self.concatenation_function(children_eval)
[docs] def evaluate(self, t=None, y=None, y_dot=None, inputs=None): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.evaluate()`.""" children = self.children children_eval = [None] * len(children) for idx, child in enumerate(children): children_eval[idx] = child.evaluate(t, y, y_dot, inputs) return self._concatenation_evaluate(children_eval)
[docs] def create_copy(self): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.new_copy()`.""" new_children = [child.new_copy() for child in self.children] return self._concatenation_new_copy(new_children)
def _concatenation_new_copy(self, children): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.new_copy()`.""" return concatenation(*children) def _concatenation_jac(self, children_jacs): """Calculate the jacobian of a concatenation.""" raise NotImplementedError def _evaluate_for_shape(self): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.evaluate_for_shape`""" if len(self.children) == 0: return np.array([]) else: # Default: use np.concatenate concatenation_function = self.concatenation_function or np.concatenate return concatenation_function( [child.evaluate_for_shape() for child in self.children] )
[docs] def is_constant(self): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.is_constant()`.""" return all(child.is_constant() for child in self.children)
def _sympy_operator(self, *children): """Apply appropriate SymPy operators.""" self.concat_latex = tuple(map(sympy.latex, children)) if self.print_name is not None: return sympy.Symbol(self.print_name) else: concat_str = r"\\".join(self.concat_latex) concat_sym = sympy.Symbol(r"\begin{cases}" + concat_str + r"\end{cases}") return concat_sym
[docs] def to_equation(self): """Convert the node and its subtree into a SymPy equation.""" eq_list = [] for child in self.children: eq = child.to_equation() eq_list.append(eq) return self._sympy_operator(*eq_list)
[docs]class NumpyConcatenation(Concatenation): """ A node in the expression tree representing a concatenation of equations, when we *don't* care about domains. The class :class:`pybamm.DomainConcatenation`, which *is* careful about domains and uses broadcasting where appropriate, should be used whenever possible instead. Upon evaluation, equations are concatenated using numpy concatenation. **Extends**: :class:`Concatenation` Parameters ---------- children : iterable of :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The equations to concatenate """ def __init__(self, *children): children = list(children) # Turn objects that evaluate to scalars to objects that evaluate to vectors, # so that we can concatenate them for i, child in enumerate(children): if child.evaluates_to_number(): children[i] = child * pybamm.Vector([1]) super().__init__( *children, name="numpy_concatenation", check_domain=False, concat_fun=np.concatenate ) def _concatenation_jac(self, children_jacs): """See :meth:`pybamm.Concatenation.concatenation_jac()`.""" children = self.children if len(children) == 0: return pybamm.Scalar(0) else: return SparseStack(*children_jacs) def _concatenation_new_copy(self, children): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.new_copy()`.""" return numpy_concatenation(*children)
[docs]class DomainConcatenation(Concatenation): """ A node in the expression tree representing a concatenation of symbols, being careful about domains. It is assumed that each child has a domain, and the final concatenated vector will respect the sizes and ordering of domains established in mesh keys **Extends**: :class:`pybamm.Concatenation` Parameters ---------- children : iterable of :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The symbols to concatenate full_mesh : :class:`pybamm.BaseMesh` The underlying mesh for discretisation, used to obtain the number of mesh points in each domain. copy_this : :class:`pybamm.DomainConcatenation` (optional) if provided, this class is initialised by copying everything except the children from `copy_this`. `mesh` is not used in this case """ def __init__(self, children, full_mesh, copy_this=None): # Convert any constant symbols in children to a Vector of the right size for # concatenation children = list(children) # Allow the base class to sort the domains into the correct order super().__init__(*children, name="domain_concatenation") if copy_this is None: # store mesh self._full_mesh = full_mesh # create dict of domain => slice of final vector self.secondary_dimensions_npts = self._get_auxiliary_domain_repeats( ) self._slices = self.create_slices(self) # store size of final vector self._size = self._slices[self.domain[-1]][-1].stop # create disc of domain => slice for each child self._children_slices = [ self.create_slices(child) for child in self.children ] else: self._full_mesh = copy.copy(copy_this._full_mesh) self._slices = copy.copy(copy_this._slices) self._size = copy.copy(copy_this._size) self._children_slices = copy.copy(copy_this._children_slices) self.secondary_dimensions_npts = copy_this.secondary_dimensions_npts def _get_auxiliary_domain_repeats(self, auxiliary_domains): """Helper method to read the 'auxiliary_domain' meshes.""" mesh_pts = 1 for level, dom in auxiliary_domains.items(): if level != "primary" and dom != []: mesh_pts *= self.full_mesh[dom].npts return mesh_pts @property def full_mesh(self): return self._full_mesh def create_slices(self, node): slices = defaultdict(list) start = 0 end = 0 second_pts = self._get_auxiliary_domain_repeats( if second_pts != self.secondary_dimensions_npts: raise ValueError( """Concatenation and children must have the same number of points in secondary dimensions""" ) for i in range(second_pts): for dom in node.domain: end += self.full_mesh[dom].npts slices[dom].append(slice(start, end)) start = end return slices def _concatenation_evaluate(self, children_eval): """See :meth:`Concatenation._concatenation_evaluate()`.""" # preallocate vector vector = np.empty((self._size, 1)) # loop through domains of children writing subvectors to final vector for child_vector, slices in zip(children_eval, self._children_slices): for child_dom, child_slice in slices.items(): for i, _slice in enumerate(child_slice): vector[self._slices[child_dom][i]] = child_vector[_slice] return vector def _concatenation_jac(self, children_jacs): """See :meth:`pybamm.Concatenation.concatenation_jac()`.""" # note that this assumes that the children are in the right order and only have # one domain each jacs = [] for i in range(self.secondary_dimensions_npts): for child_jac, slices in zip(children_jacs, self._children_slices): if len(slices) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( """jacobian only implemented for when each child has a single domain""" ) child_slice = next(iter(slices.values())) jacs.append(pybamm.Index(child_jac, child_slice[i])) return SparseStack(*jacs) def _concatenation_new_copy(self, children): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.new_copy()`.""" new_symbol = simplified_domain_concatenation( children, self.full_mesh, copy_this=self ) return new_symbol
[docs]class SparseStack(Concatenation): """ A node in the expression tree representing a concatenation of sparse matrices. As with NumpyConcatenation, we *don't* care about domains. The class :class:`pybamm.DomainConcatenation`, which *is* careful about domains and uses broadcasting where appropriate, should be used whenever possible instead. **Extends**: :class:`Concatenation` Parameters ---------- children : iterable of :class:`Concatenation` The equations to concatenate """ def __init__(self, *children): children = list(children) if not any(issparse(child.evaluate_for_shape()) for child in children): concatenation_function = np.vstack else: concatenation_function = vstack super().__init__( *children, name="sparse_stack", check_domain=False, concat_fun=concatenation_function ) def _concatenation_new_copy(self, children): """See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.new_copy()`.""" return SparseStack(*children)
class ConcatenationVariable(Concatenation): """A Variable representing a concatenation of variables.""" def __init__(self, *children): # Name is the intersection of the children names (should usually make sense # if the children have been named consistently) name = intersect(children[0].name, children[1].name) for child in children[2:]: name = intersect(name, if len(name) == 0: name = None # name is unchanged if its length is 1 elif len(name) > 1: name = name[0].capitalize() + name[1:] if len(children) > 0: if all(child.scale == children[0].scale for child in children): self._scale = children[0].scale else: raise ValueError("Cannot concatenate symbols with different scales") if all(child.reference == children[0].reference for child in children): self._reference = children[0].reference else: raise ValueError("Cannot concatenate symbols with different references") super().__init__(*children, name=name) # Overly tight bounds, can edit later if required self.bounds = ( np.max([child.bounds[0] for child in children]), np.min([child.bounds[1] for child in children]), ) if not any(c._raw_print_name is None for c in children): print_name = intersect( children[0]._raw_print_name, children[1]._raw_print_name ) for child in children[2:]: print_name = intersect(print_name, child._raw_print_name) if print_name.endswith("_"): print_name = print_name[:-1] else: print_name = None self.print_name = print_name def substrings(s): for i in range(len(s)): for j in range(i, len(s)): yield s[i : j + 1] def intersect(s1, s2): # find all the common strings between two strings all_intersects = set(substrings(s1)) & set(substrings(s2)) # intersect is the longest such intercept if len(all_intersects) == 0: return "" intersect = max(all_intersects, key=len) # remove leading and trailing white space return intersect.lstrip().rstrip() def simplified_concatenation(*children): """Perform simplifications on a concatenation.""" # remove children that are None children = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, children)) # Simplify concatenation of broadcasts all with the same child to a single # broadcast across all domains if len(children) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot create empty concatenation") elif len(children) == 1: return children[0] elif all(isinstance(child, pybamm.Variable) for child in children): return pybamm.ConcatenationVariable(*children) else: # Create Concatenation to easily read domains concat = Concatenation(*children) if all( isinstance(child, pybamm.Broadcast) and child.child == children[0].child for child in children ): unique_child = children[0].orphans[0] if isinstance(children[0], pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast): return pybamm.PrimaryBroadcast(unique_child, concat.domain) else: return pybamm.FullBroadcast( unique_child, ) else: return concat def concatenation(*children): """Helper function to create concatenations.""" # TODO: add option to turn off simplifications return simplified_concatenation(*children) def simplified_numpy_concatenation(*children): """Perform simplifications on a numpy concatenation.""" # Turn a concatenation of concatenations into a single concatenation new_children = [] for child in children: # extract any children from numpy concatenation if isinstance(child, NumpyConcatenation): new_children.extend(child.orphans) else: new_children.append(child) return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(NumpyConcatenation(*new_children))
[docs]def numpy_concatenation(*children): """Helper function to create numpy concatenations.""" # TODO: add option to turn off simplifications return simplified_numpy_concatenation(*children)
def simplified_domain_concatenation(children, mesh, copy_this=None): """Perform simplifications on a domain concatenation.""" # Create the DomainConcatenation to read domain and child domain concat = DomainConcatenation(children, mesh, copy_this=copy_this) # Simplify Concatenation of StateVectors to a single StateVector # The sum of the evalation arrays of the StateVectors must be exactly 1 if all(isinstance(child, pybamm.StateVector) for child in children): longest_eval_array = len(children[-1]._evaluation_array) eval_arrays = {} for child in children: eval_arrays[child] = np.concatenate( [ child.evaluation_array, np.zeros(longest_eval_array - len(child.evaluation_array)), ] ) first_start = children[0].y_slices[0].start last_stop = children[-1].y_slices[-1].stop if all( sum(array for array in eval_arrays.values())[first_start:last_stop] == 1 ): return pybamm.StateVector( slice(first_start, last_stop), ) return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(concat)
[docs]def domain_concatenation(children, mesh): """Helper function to create domain concatenations.""" # TODO: add option to turn off simplifications return simplified_domain_concatenation(children, mesh)