Source code for pybamm.citations

# Bibliographical information for PyBaMM
# Inspired by firedrake/PETSc citation workflow
import pybamm
import os
import warnings
import pybtex
from pybtex.database import parse_file, parse_string, Entry
from pybtex.scanner import PybtexError

[docs]class Citations: """Entry point to citations management. This object may be used to record Bibtex citation information and then register that a particular citation is relevant for a particular simulation. Citations listed in `pybamm/CITATIONS.txt` can be registered with their citation key. For all other works provide a BibTex Citation to :meth:`register`. Examples -------- >>> import pybamm >>> pybamm.citations.register("Sulzer2021") >>> pybamm.citations.register("@misc{Newton1687, title={Mathematical...}}") >>> pybamm.print_citations("citations.txt") """ def __init__(self): # Set of citation keys that have been registered self._papers_to_cite = set() # Dict mapping citations keys to BibTex entries self._all_citations: dict[str, str] = dict() # store citation error self._citation_err_msg = None try: self.read_citations() self._reset() except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover self._citation_err_msg = e def _reset(self): """Reset citations to default only (only for testing purposes)""" # Initialize empty papers to cite self._papers_to_cite = set() # Register the PyBaMM paper and the numpy paper self.register("Sulzer2021") self.register("Harris2020")
[docs] def read_citations(self): """Reads the citations in `pybamm.CITATIONS.txt`. Other works can be cited by passing a BibTex citation to :meth:`register`. """ citations_file = os.path.join(pybamm.root_dir(), "pybamm", "CITATIONS.txt") bib_data = parse_file(citations_file, bib_format="bibtex") for key, entry in bib_data.entries.items(): self._add_citation(key, entry)
def _add_citation(self, key, entry): """Adds `entry` to `self._all_citations` under `key`, warning the user if a previous entry is overwritten """ # Check input types are correct if not isinstance(key, str) or not isinstance(entry, Entry): raise TypeError() # Warn if overwriting an previous citation new_citation = entry.to_string("bibtex") if key in self._all_citations and new_citation != self._all_citations[key]: warnings.warn(f"Replacing citation for {key}") # Add to database self._all_citations[key] = new_citation @property def _cited(self): """Return a list of the BibTex entries that have been cited""" return [self._all_citations[key] for key in self._papers_to_cite]
[docs] def register(self, key): """Register a paper to be cited. The intended use is that :meth:`register` should be called only when the referenced functionality is actually being used. .. warning:: Registering a BibTex citation, with the same key as an existing citation, will overwrite the current citation. Parameters ---------- key : str - The citation key for an entry in `pybamm/CITATIONS.txt` or - One or more BibTex formatted citations """ if self._citation_err_msg is None: # Check if citation is a known key if key in self._all_citations: self._papers_to_cite.add(key) return # Try to parse the citation using pybtex try: # Parse string as a bibtex citation, and check that a citation was found bib_data = parse_string(key, bib_format="bibtex") if not bib_data.entries: raise PybtexError("no entries found") # Add and register all citations for key, entry in bib_data.entries.items(): self._add_citation(key, entry) self.register(key) return except PybtexError: # Unable to parse / unknown key raise KeyError(f"Not a bibtex citation or known citation: {key}")
[docs] def print(self, filename=None, output_format="text"): """Print all citations that were used for running simulations. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Filename to which to print citations. If None, citations are printed to the terminal. """ if output_format == "text": citations = pybtex.format_from_strings( self._cited, style="plain", output_backend="plaintext" ) elif output_format == "bibtex": citations = "\n".join(self._cited) else: raise pybamm.OptionError( "Output format {} not recognised." "It should be 'text' or 'bibtex'.".format(output_format) ) if filename is None: print(citations) else: with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(citations)
citations = Citations()