Source code for pybamm.expression_tree.symbol

# Base Symbol Class for the expression tree
import numbers

import anytree
import numpy as np
import sympy
from anytree.exporter import DotExporter
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, issparse

import pybamm
from pybamm.expression_tree.printing.print_name import prettify_print_name

DOMAIN_LEVELS = ["primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "quaternary"]

def domain_size(domain):
    Get the domain size.

    Empty domain has size 1.
    If the domain falls within the list of standard battery domains, the size is read
    from a dictionary of standard domain sizes. Otherwise, the hash of the domain string
    is used to generate a `random` domain size.
    fixed_domain_sizes = {
        "current collector": 3,
        "negative particle": 5,
        "positive particle": 7,
        "negative electrode": 11,
        "separator": 13,
        "positive electrode": 17,
        "negative particle size": 19,
        "positive particle size": 23,
    if domain in [[], None]:
        size = 1
    elif all(dom in fixed_domain_sizes for dom in domain):
        size = sum(fixed_domain_sizes[dom] for dom in domain)
        size = sum(hash(dom) % 100 for dom in domain)
    return size

def create_object_of_size(size, typ="vector"):
    """Return object, consisting of NaNs, of the right shape."""
    if typ == "vector":
        return np.nan * np.ones((size, 1))
    elif typ == "matrix":
        return np.nan * np.ones((size, size))

def evaluate_for_shape_using_domain(domains, typ="vector"):
    Return a vector of the appropriate shape, based on the domains.
    Domain 'sizes' can clash, but are unlikely to, and won't cause failures if they do.
    if isinstance(domains, dict):
        _domain_sizes = int([domain_size(dom) for dom in domains.values()]))
        _domain_sizes = domain_size(domains)
    return create_object_of_size(_domain_sizes, typ)

def is_constant(symbol):
    return isinstance(symbol, numbers.Number) or symbol.is_constant()

def is_scalar_x(expr, x):
    Utility function to test if an expression evaluates to a constant scalar value
    if is_constant(expr):
        result = expr.evaluate_ignoring_errors(t=None)
        return isinstance(result, numbers.Number) and result == x
        return False

def is_scalar_zero(expr):
    Utility function to test if an expression evaluates to a constant scalar zero
    return is_scalar_x(expr, 0)

def is_scalar_one(expr):
    Utility function to test if an expression evaluates to a constant scalar one
    return is_scalar_x(expr, 1)

def is_scalar_minus_one(expr):
    Utility function to test if an expression evaluates to a constant scalar minus one
    return is_scalar_x(expr, -1)

def is_matrix_x(expr, x):
    Utility function to test if an expression evaluates to a constant matrix value
    if isinstance(expr, pybamm.Broadcast):
        return is_scalar_x(expr.child, x) or is_matrix_x(expr.child, x)

    if is_constant(expr):
        result = expr.evaluate_ignoring_errors(t=None)
        return (
            and (
                (x == 0 and["data"])) == 0)
                or (
                    len(result.__dict__["data"]) ==
                    and np.all(result.__dict__["data"] == x)
        ) or (isinstance(result, np.ndarray) and np.all(result == x))
        return False

def is_matrix_zero(expr):
    Utility function to test if an expression evaluates to a constant matrix zero
    return is_matrix_x(expr, 0)

def is_matrix_one(expr):
    Utility function to test if an expression evaluates to a constant matrix one
    return is_matrix_x(expr, 1)

def is_matrix_minus_one(expr):
    Utility function to test if an expression evaluates to a constant matrix minus one
    return is_matrix_x(expr, -1)

[docs]def simplify_if_constant(symbol): """ Utility function to simplify an expression tree if it evalutes to a constant scalar, vector or matrix """ if symbol.is_constant(): result = symbol.evaluate_ignoring_errors() if result is not None: if ( isinstance(result, numbers.Number) or (isinstance(result, np.ndarray) and result.ndim == 0) or isinstance(result, np.bool_) ): return pybamm.Scalar(result) elif isinstance(result, np.ndarray) or issparse(result): if result.ndim == 1 or result.shape[1] == 1: return pybamm.Vector(result, else: # Turn matrix of zeros into sparse matrix if isinstance(result, np.ndarray) and np.all(result == 0): result = csr_matrix(result) return pybamm.Matrix(result, return symbol
[docs]class Symbol: """ Base node class for the expression tree. Parameters ---------- name : str name for the node children : iterable :class:`Symbol`, optional children to attach to this node, default to an empty list domain : iterable of str, or str list of domains over which the node is valid (empty list indicates the symbol is valid over all domains) auxiliary_domains : dict of str dictionary of auxiliary domains over which the node is valid (empty dictionary indicates no auxiliary domains). Keys can be "secondary", "tertiary" or "quaternary". The symbol is broadcast over its auxiliary domains. For example, a symbol might have domain "negative particle", secondary domain "separator" and tertiary domain "current collector" (`domain="negative particle", auxiliary_domains={"secondary": "separator", "tertiary": "current collector"}`). domains : dict A dictionary equivalent to {'primary': domain, auxiliary_domains}. Either 'domain' and 'auxiliary_domains', or just 'domains', should be provided (not both). In future, the 'domain' and 'auxiliary_domains' arguments may be deprecated. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, children=None, domain=None, auxiliary_domains=None, domains=None ): super(Symbol, self).__init__() = name if children is None: children = [] self._children = children # Keep a separate "oprhans" attribute for backwards compatibility self._orphans = children # Set domains (and hence id) = self.read_domain_or_domains(domain, auxiliary_domains, domains) self._saved_evaluates_on_edges = {} self._print_name = None # Test shape on everything but nodes that contain the base Symbol class or # the base BinaryOperator class if pybamm.settings.debug_mode is True: if not any( issubclass(pybamm.Symbol, type(x)) or issubclass(pybamm.BinaryOperator, type(x)) for x in self.pre_order() ): self.test_shape()
@property def children(self): """ returns the cached children of this node. Note: it is assumed that children of a node are not modified after initial creation """ return self._children @property def name(self): """name of the node.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): assert isinstance(value, str) self._name = value @property def domains(self): return self._domains @property def domain(self): """ list of applicable domains. Returns ------- iterable of str """ return self._domains["primary"] @domain.setter def domain(self, domain): raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot set domain directly, use domains={'primary': domain} instead" ) @property def auxiliary_domains(self): """Returns auxiliary domains.""" raise NotImplementedError( "symbol.auxiliary_domains has been deprecated, use instead" ) @domains.setter def domains(self, domains): try: if ( self._domains == domains # accounting for empty domains or {k: v for k, v in self._domains.items() if v != []} == domains ): return None # no change except AttributeError: # self._domains has not been set yet pass # Turn dictionary into appropriate form if domains == {"primary": []}: self._domains = EMPTY_DOMAINS self.set_id() return None # Set default domains domains = {**EMPTY_DOMAINS, **domains} # Check domains don't clash for level, dom in domains.items(): if level not in DOMAIN_LEVELS: raise pybamm.DomainError( f"Domain keys must be one of '{DOMAIN_LEVELS}'" ) if isinstance(dom, str): domains[level] = [dom] values = [tuple(val) for val in domains.values() if val != []] if len(set(values)) != len(values): raise pybamm.DomainError("All domains must be different") for i, level in enumerate(DOMAIN_LEVELS[:-1]): if domains[level] == []: if domains[DOMAIN_LEVELS[i + 1]] != []: raise pybamm.DomainError("Domain levels must be filled in order") # don't test further if we have already found a missing domain break self._domains = domains self.set_id() @property def secondary_domain(self): """Helper function to get the secondary domain of a symbol.""" return self._domains["secondary"] @property def tertiary_domain(self): """Helper function to get the tertiary domain of a symbol.""" return self._domains["tertiary"] @property def quaternary_domain(self): """Helper function to get the quaternary domain of a symbol.""" return self._domains["quaternary"]
[docs] def copy_domains(self, symbol): """Copy the domains from a given symbol, bypassing checks.""" if self._domains != symbol._domains: self._domains = symbol._domains self.set_id()
[docs] def clear_domains(self): """Clear domains, bypassing checks.""" if self._domains != EMPTY_DOMAINS: self._domains = EMPTY_DOMAINS self.set_id()
[docs] def get_children_domains(self, children): """Combine domains from children, at all levels.""" domains = {} for child in children: for level in if[level] == []: pass elif ( level not in domains or domains[level] == [] or[level] == domains[level] ): domains[level] =[level] else: raise pybamm.DomainError( "children must have same or empty domains, " f"not {domains[level]} and {[level]}" ) return domains
def read_domain_or_domains(self, domain, auxiliary_domains, domains): if domains is None: if isinstance(domain, str): domain = [domain] elif domain is None: domain = [] auxiliary_domains = auxiliary_domains or {} domains = {"primary": domain, **auxiliary_domains} else: if domain is not None: raise ValueError("Only one of 'domain' or 'domains' should be provided") if auxiliary_domains is not None: raise ValueError( "Only one of 'auxiliary_domains' or 'domains' should be provided" ) return domains @property def id(self): return self._id
[docs] def set_id(self): """ Set the immutable "identity" of a variable (e.g. for identifying y_slices). This is identical to what we'd put in a __hash__ function However, implementing __hash__ requires also implementing __eq__, which would then mess with loop-checking in the anytree module. Hashing can be slow, so we set the id when we create the node, and hence only need to hash once. """ self._id = hash( (self.__class__, + tuple([ for child in self.children]) + tuple([(k, tuple(v)) for k, v in if v != []]) )
@property def orphans(self): """ Returning new copies of the children, with parents removed to avoid corrupting the expression tree internal data """ return self._orphans
[docs] def render(self): # pragma: no cover """ Print out a visual representation of the tree (this node and its children) """ for pre, _, node in anytree.RenderTree(self): if isinstance(node, pybamm.Scalar) and != str(node.value): print("{}{} = {}".format(pre,, node.value)) else: print("{}{}".format(pre,
[docs] def visualise(self, filename): """ Produces a .png file of the tree (this node and its children) with the name filename Parameters ---------- filename : str filename to output, must end in ".png" """ # check that filename ends in .png. if filename[-4:] != ".png": raise ValueError("filename should end in .png") new_node, counter = self.relabel_tree(self, 0) try: DotExporter( new_node, nodeattrfunc=lambda node: 'label="{}"'.format(node.label) ).to_picture(filename) except FileNotFoundError: # pragma: no cover # raise error but only through logger so that test passes pybamm.logger.error("Please install graphviz>=2.42.2 to use dot exporter")
[docs] def relabel_tree(self, symbol, counter): """ Finds all children of a symbol and assigns them a new id so that they can be visualised properly using the graphviz output """ name = if name == "div": name = "∇⋅" elif name == "grad": name = "∇" elif name == "/": name = "÷" elif name == "*": name = "×" elif name == "-": name = "−" elif name == "+": name = "+" elif name == "**": name = "^" new_node = anytree.Node(str(counter), label=name) counter += 1 new_children = [] for child in symbol.children: new_child, counter = self.relabel_tree(child, counter) new_children.append(new_child) new_node.children = new_children return new_node, counter
[docs] def pre_order(self): """ returns an iterable that steps through the tree in pre-order fashion. Examples -------- >>> import pybamm >>> a = pybamm.Symbol('a') >>> b = pybamm.Symbol('b') >>> for node in (a*b).pre_order(): ... print( * a b """ return anytree.PreOrderIter(self)
[docs] def __str__(self): """return a string representation of the node and its children.""" return self._name
[docs] def __repr__(self): """returns the string `__class__(id, name, children, domain)`""" return ("{!s}({}, {!s}, children={!s}, domains={!s})").format( self.__class__.__name__, hex(, self._name, [str(child) for child in self.children], {k: v for k, v in if v != []}, )
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """return an :class:`Addition` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_addition(self, other)
[docs] def __radd__(self, other): """return an :class:`Addition` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_addition(other, self)
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """return a :class:`Subtraction` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_subtraction(self, other)
[docs] def __rsub__(self, other): """return a :class:`Subtraction` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_subtraction(other, self)
[docs] def __mul__(self, other): """return a :class:`Multiplication` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_multiplication(self, other)
[docs] def __rmul__(self, other): """return a :class:`Multiplication` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_multiplication(other, self)
[docs] def __matmul__(self, other): """return a :class:`MatrixMultiplication` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_matrix_multiplication(self, other)
[docs] def __rmatmul__(self, other): """return a :class:`MatrixMultiplication` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_matrix_multiplication(other, self)
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other): """return a :class:`Division` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_division(self, other)
[docs] def __rtruediv__(self, other): """return a :class:`Division` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_division(other, self)
[docs] def __pow__(self, other): """return a :class:`Power` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_power(self, other)
[docs] def __rpow__(self, other): """return a :class:`Power` object.""" return pybamm.simplified_power(other, self)
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): """return a :class:`NotEqualHeaviside` object, or a smooth approximation.""" k = pybamm.settings.heaviside_smoothing # Return exact approximation if that is the setting or the outcome is a constant # (i.e. no need for smoothing) if k == "exact" or (is_constant(self) and is_constant(other)): out = pybamm.NotEqualHeaviside(self, other) else: out = pybamm.sigmoid(self, other, k) return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(out)
[docs] def __le__(self, other): """return a :class:`EqualHeaviside` object, or a smooth approximation.""" k = pybamm.settings.heaviside_smoothing # Return exact approximation if that is the setting or the outcome is a constant # (i.e. no need for smoothing) if k == "exact" or (is_constant(self) and is_constant(other)): out = pybamm.EqualHeaviside(self, other) else: out = pybamm.sigmoid(self, other, k) return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(out)
[docs] def __gt__(self, other): """return a :class:`NotEqualHeaviside` object, or a smooth approximation.""" k = pybamm.settings.heaviside_smoothing # Return exact approximation if that is the setting or the outcome is a constant # (i.e. no need for smoothing) if k == "exact" or (is_constant(self) and is_constant(other)): out = pybamm.NotEqualHeaviside(other, self) else: out = pybamm.sigmoid(other, self, k) return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(out)
[docs] def __ge__(self, other): """return a :class:`EqualHeaviside` object, or a smooth approximation.""" k = pybamm.settings.heaviside_smoothing # Return exact approximation if that is the setting or the outcome is a constant # (i.e. no need for smoothing) if k == "exact" or (is_constant(self) and is_constant(other)): out = pybamm.EqualHeaviside(other, self) else: out = pybamm.sigmoid(other, self, k) return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(out)
[docs] def __neg__(self): """return a :class:`Negate` object.""" if isinstance(self, pybamm.Negate): # Double negative is a positive return self.orphans[0] elif isinstance(self, pybamm.Broadcast): # Move negation inside the broadcast # Apply recursively return self._unary_new_copy(-self.orphans[0]) elif isinstance(self, pybamm.Concatenation) and all( child.is_constant() for child in self.children ): return pybamm.concatenation(*[-child for child in self.orphans]) else: return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(pybamm.Negate(self))
[docs] def __abs__(self): """return an :class:`AbsoluteValue` object, or a smooth approximation.""" if isinstance(self, pybamm.AbsoluteValue): # No need to apply abs a second time return self elif isinstance(self, pybamm.Broadcast): # Move absolute value inside the broadcast # Apply recursively abs_self_not_broad = pybamm.simplify_if_constant(abs(self.orphans[0])) return self._unary_new_copy(abs_self_not_broad) else: k = pybamm.settings.abs_smoothing # Return exact approximation if that is the setting or the outcome is a # constant (i.e. no need for smoothing) if k == "exact" or is_constant(self): out = pybamm.AbsoluteValue(self) else: out = pybamm.smooth_absolute_value(self, k) return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(out)
[docs] def __mod__(self, other): """return an :class:`Modulo` object.""" return pybamm.simplify_if_constant(pybamm.Modulo(self, other))
[docs] def diff(self, variable): """ Differentiate a symbol with respect to a variable. For any symbol that can be differentiated, return `1` if differentiating with respect to yourself, `self._diff(variable)` if `variable` is in the expression tree of the symbol, and zero otherwise. Parameters ---------- variable : :class:`pybamm.Symbol` The variable with respect to which to differentiate """ if == return pybamm.Scalar(1) elif any( == for x in self.pre_order()): return self._diff(variable) elif == and self.has_symbol_of_classes( (pybamm.VariableBase, pybamm.StateVectorBase) ): return self._diff(variable) else: return pybamm.Scalar(0)
def _diff(self, variable): """ Default behaviour for differentiation, overriden by Binary and Unary Operators """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def jac(self, variable, known_jacs=None, clear_domain=True): """ Differentiate a symbol with respect to a (slice of) a StateVector or StateVectorDot. See :class:`pybamm.Jacobian`. """ jac = pybamm.Jacobian(known_jacs, clear_domain=clear_domain) if not isinstance(variable, (pybamm.StateVector, pybamm.StateVectorDot)): raise TypeError( "Jacobian can only be taken with respect to a 'StateVector' " "or 'StateVectorDot', but {} is a {}".format(variable, type(variable)) ) return jac.jac(self, variable)
def _jac(self, variable): """ Default behaviour for jacobian, will raise a ``NotImplementedError`` if this member function has not been defined for the node. """ raise NotImplementedError def _base_evaluate(self, t=None, y=None, y_dot=None, inputs=None): """ evaluate expression tree. will raise a ``NotImplementedError`` if this member function has not been defined for the node. For example, :class:`Scalar` returns its scalar value, but :class:`Variable` will raise ``NotImplementedError`` Parameters ---------- t : float or numeric type, optional time at which to evaluate (default None) y : numpy.array, optional array with state values to evaluate when solving (default None) y_dot : numpy.array, optional array with time derivatives of state values to evaluate when solving (default None) """ raise NotImplementedError( "method self.evaluate() not implemented for symbol " "{!s} of type {}".format(self, type(self)) )
[docs] def evaluate(self, t=None, y=None, y_dot=None, inputs=None, known_evals=None): """Evaluate expression tree (wrapper to allow using dict of known values). If the dict 'known_evals' is provided, the dict is searched for; if is in the keys, return that value; otherwise, evaluate using :meth:`_base_evaluate()` and add that value to known_evals Parameters ---------- t : float or numeric type, optional time at which to evaluate (default None) y : numpy.array, optional array with state values to evaluate when solving (default None) y_dot : numpy.array, optional array with time derivatives of state values to evaluate when solving (default None) inputs : dict, optional dictionary of inputs to use when solving (default None) known_evals : dict, optional dictionary containing known values (default None) Returns ------- number or array the node evaluated at (t,y) known_evals (if known_evals input is not None) : dict the dictionary of known values """ if known_evals is not None: if not in known_evals: known_evals[] = self._base_evaluate(t, y, y_dot, inputs) return known_evals[], known_evals else: return self._base_evaluate(t, y, y_dot, inputs)
[docs] def evaluate_for_shape(self): """ Evaluate expression tree to find its shape. For symbols that cannot be evaluated directly (e.g. `Variable` or `Parameter`), a vector of the appropriate shape is returned instead, using the symbol's domain. See :meth:`pybamm.Symbol.evaluate()` """ try: return self._saved_evaluate_for_shape except AttributeError: self._saved_evaluate_for_shape = self._evaluate_for_shape() return self._saved_evaluate_for_shape
def _evaluate_for_shape(self): """See :meth:`Symbol.evaluate_for_shape`""" return self.evaluate()
[docs] def is_constant(self): """ returns true if evaluating the expression is not dependent on `t` or `y` or `inputs` See Also -------- evaluate : evaluate the expression """ # Default behaviour is False return False
[docs] def evaluate_ignoring_errors(self, t=0): """ Evaluates the expression. If a node exists in the tree that cannot be evaluated as a scalar or vector (e.g. Time, Parameter, Variable, StateVector), then None is returned. If there is an InputParameter in the tree then a 1 is returned. Otherwise the result of the evaluation is given. See Also -------- evaluate : evaluate the expression """ try: result = self.evaluate(t=t, inputs="shape test") except NotImplementedError: # return None if NotImplementedError is raised # (there is a e.g. Parameter, Variable, ... in the tree) return None except TypeError as error: # return None if specific TypeError is raised # (there is a e.g. StateVector in the tree) if error.args[0] == "StateVector cannot evaluate input 'y=None'": return None elif error.args[0] == "StateVectorDot cannot evaluate input 'y_dot=None'": return None else: raise error except ValueError as e: # return None if specific ValueError is raised # (there is a e.g. Time in the tree) if e.args[0] == "t must be provided": return None raise pybamm.ShapeError("Cannot find shape (original error: {})".format(e)) return result
[docs] def evaluates_to_number(self): """ Returns True if evaluating the expression returns a number. Returns False otherwise, including if NotImplementedError or TyperError is raised. !Not to be confused with isinstance(self, pybamm.Scalar)! See Also -------- evaluate : evaluate the expression """ return self.shape_for_testing == ()
def evaluates_to_constant_number(self): return self.evaluates_to_number() and self.is_constant()
[docs] def evaluates_on_edges(self, dimension): """ Returns True if a symbol evaluates on an edge, i.e. symbol contains a gradient operator, but not a divergence operator, and is not an IndefiniteIntegral. Caches the solution for faster results. Parameters ---------- dimension : str The dimension (primary, secondary, etc) in which to query evaluation on edges Returns ------- bool Whether the symbol evaluates on edges (in the finite volume discretisation sense) """ try: return self._saved_evaluates_on_edges[dimension] except KeyError: eval_on_edges = self._evaluates_on_edges(dimension) self._saved_evaluates_on_edges[dimension] = eval_on_edges return eval_on_edges
def _evaluates_on_edges(self, dimension): # Default behaviour: return False return False
[docs] def has_symbol_of_classes(self, symbol_classes): """ Returns True if equation has a term of the class(es) `symbol_class`. Parameters ---------- symbol_classes : pybamm class or iterable of classes The classes to test the symbol against """ return any(isinstance(symbol, symbol_classes) for symbol in self.pre_order())
[docs] def simplify(self, simplified_symbols=None, clear_domains=True): """`simplify()` has now been removed.""" raise pybamm.ModelError("simplify is deprecated as it now has no effect")
[docs] def to_casadi(self, t=None, y=None, y_dot=None, inputs=None, casadi_symbols=None): """ Convert the expression tree to a CasADi expression tree. See :class:`pybamm.CasadiConverter`. """ return pybamm.CasadiConverter(casadi_symbols).convert(self, t, y, y_dot, inputs)
[docs] def create_copy(self): """ Make a new copy of a symbol, to avoid Tree corruption errors while bypassing copy.deepcopy(), which is slow. """ raise NotImplementedError( """method self.new_copy() not implemented for symbol {!s} of type {}""".format( self, type(self) ) )
[docs] def new_copy(self): """ Returns `create_copy` with added attributes """ obj = self.create_copy() obj._print_name = self.print_name return obj
@property def size(self): """ Size of an object, found by evaluating it with appropriate t and y """ try: return self._saved_size except AttributeError: self._saved_size = return self._saved_size @property def shape(self): """ Shape of an object, found by evaluating it with appropriate t and y. """ try: return self._saved_shape except AttributeError: # Default behaviour is to try to evaluate the object directly # Try with some large y, to avoid having to unpack (slow) try: y = np.nan * np.ones((1000, 1)) evaluated_self = self.evaluate(0, y, y, inputs="shape test") # If that fails, fall back to calculating how big y should really be except ValueError: unpacker = pybamm.SymbolUnpacker(pybamm.StateVector) state_vectors_in_node = unpacker.unpack_symbol(self).values() min_y_size = max( max(len(x._evaluation_array) for x in state_vectors_in_node), 1 ) # Pick a y that won't cause RuntimeWarnings y = np.nan * np.ones((min_y_size, 1)) evaluated_self = self.evaluate(0, y, y, inputs="shape test") # Return shape of evaluated object if isinstance(evaluated_self, numbers.Number): self._saved_shape = () else: self._saved_shape = evaluated_self.shape return self._saved_shape @property def size_for_testing(self): """Size of an object, based on shape for testing.""" return @property def shape_for_testing(self): """ Shape of an object for cases where it cannot be evaluated directly. If a symbol cannot be evaluated directly (e.g. it is a `Variable` or `Parameter`), it is instead given an arbitrary domain-dependent shape. """ evaluated_self = self.evaluate_for_shape() if isinstance(evaluated_self, numbers.Number): return () else: return evaluated_self.shape @property def ndim_for_testing(self): """ Number of dimensions of an object, found by evaluating it with appropriate t and y """ return len(self.shape_for_testing)
[docs] def test_shape(self): """ Check that the discretised self has a pybamm `shape`, i.e. can be evaluated. Raises ------ pybamm.ShapeError If the shape of the object cannot be found """ try: self.shape_for_testing except ValueError as e: raise pybamm.ShapeError("Cannot find shape (original error: {})".format(e))
@property def print_name(self): return self._print_name @print_name.setter def print_name(self, name): if name is None: self._print_name = name else: self._print_name = prettify_print_name(name) def to_equation(self): return sympy.Symbol(str(