1D Sub Meshes#

class pybamm.SubMesh1D(edges, coord_sys, tabs=None)[source]#

1D submesh class. Contains the position of the nodes, the number of mesh points, and (optionally) information about the tab locations.

  • edges (array_like) – An array containing the points corresponding to the edges of the submesh

  • coord_sys (string) – The coordinate system of the submesh

  • tabs (dict, optional) – A dictionary that contains information about the size and location of the tabs

Extends: pybamm.meshes.meshes.SubMesh

class pybamm.Uniform1DSubMesh(lims, npts)[source]#

A class to generate a uniform submesh on a 1D domain

  • lims (dict) – A dictionary that contains the limits of the spatial variables

  • npts (dict) – A dictionary that contains the number of points to be used on each spatial variable. Note: the number of nodes (located at the cell centres) is npts, and the number of edges is npts+1.

Extends: pybamm.meshes.one_dimensional_submeshes.SubMesh1D

class pybamm.SymbolicUniform1DSubMesh(lims, npts, tabs=None)[source]#
class pybamm.Exponential1DSubMesh(lims, npts, side='symmetric', stretch=None)[source]#

A class to generate a submesh on a 1D domain in which the points are clustered close to one or both of boundaries using an exponential formula on the interval [a,b].

If side is “left”, the gridpoints are given by

\[x_{k} = (b-a) + \frac{\mathrm{e}^{\alpha k / N} - 1}{\mathrm{e}^{\alpha} - 1} + a,\]

for k = 1, …, N, where N is the number of nodes.

Is side is “right”, the gridpoints are given by

\[x_{k} = (b-a) + \frac{\mathrm{e}^{-\alpha k / N} - 1}{\mathrm{e}^{-\alpha} - 1} + a,\]

for k = 1, …, N.

If side is “symmetric”, the first half of the interval is meshed using the gridpoints

\[x_{k} = (b/2-a) + \frac{\mathrm{e}^{\alpha k / N} - 1}{\mathrm{e}^{\alpha} - 1} + a,\]

for k = 1, …, N. The grid spacing is then reflected to contruct the grid on the full interval [a,b].

In the above, alpha is a stretching factor. As the number of gridpoints tends to infinity, the ratio of the largest and smallest grid cells tends to exp(alpha).

  • lims (dict) – A dictionary that contains the limits of the spatial variables

  • npts (dict) – A dictionary that contains the number of points to be used on each spatial variable. Note: the number of nodes (located at the cell centres) is npts, and the number of edges is npts+1.

  • side (str, optional) – Whether the points are clustered near to the left or right boundary, or both boundaries. Can be “left”, “right” or “symmetric”. Default is “symmetric”

  • stretch (float, optional) – The factor (alpha) which appears in the exponential. If side is “symmetric” then the default stretch is 1.15. If side is “left” or “right” then the default stretch is 2.3.

Extends: pybamm.meshes.one_dimensional_submeshes.SubMesh1D

class pybamm.Chebyshev1DSubMesh(lims, npts, tabs=None)[source]#

A class to generate a submesh on a 1D domain using Chebyshev nodes on the interval (a, b), given by

\[x_{k} = \frac{1}{2}(a+b) + \frac{1}{2}(b-a) \cos(\frac{2k-1}{2N}\pi),\]

for k = 1, …, N, where N is the number of nodes. Note: this mesh then appends the boundary edges, so that the mesh edges are given by

\[a < x_{1} < ... < x_{N} < b.\]
  • lims (dict) – A dictionary that contains the limits of the spatial variables

  • npts (dict) – A dictionary that contains the number of points to be used on each spatial variable. Note: the number of nodes (located at the cell centres) is npts, and the number of edges is npts+1.

  • tabs (dict, optional) – A dictionary that contains information about the size and location of the tabs

Extends: pybamm.meshes.one_dimensional_submeshes.SubMesh1D

class pybamm.UserSupplied1DSubMesh(lims, npts, edges=None)[source]#

A class to generate a submesh on a 1D domain from a user supplied array of edges.

  • lims (dict) – A dictionary that contains the limits of the spatial variables

  • npts (dict) – A dictionary that contains the number of points to be used on each spatial variable. Note: the number of nodes (located at the cell centres) is npts, and the number of edges is npts+1.

  • edges (array_like) – The array of points which correspond to the edges of the mesh.

Extends: pybamm.meshes.one_dimensional_submeshes.SubMesh1D