GNU/Linux & macOS#


To use PyBaMM, you must have Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, or 3.12 installed.

To install Python 3 on Debian-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint), open a terminal and run

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3

On Fedora or CentOS, you can use DNF or Yum. For example

sudo dnf install python3

On macOS, you can use the homebrew package manager. First, install brew:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

then follow instructions in the link on adding brew to path, and run

brew install python3

Install PyBaMM#

User install#

We recommend to install PyBaMM within a virtual environment, in order not to alter any distribution Python files. First, make sure you are using Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, or 3.12. To create a virtual environment env within your current directory type:

virtualenv env

You can then “activate” the environment using:

source env/bin/activate

Now all the calls to pip described below will install PyBaMM and its dependencies into the environment env. When you are ready to exit the environment and go back to your original system, just type:


PyBaMM can be installed via pip. On macOS, it is necessary to install the SUNDIALS library beforehand.

In a terminal, run the following command:

pip install pybamm

In a terminal, run the following commands:

brew install sundials
pip install pybamm

PyBaMM’s required dependencies (such as numpy, casadi, etc) will be installed automatically when you install PyBaMM using pip.

For an introduction to virtual environments, see (

Optional - scikits.odes solver#

Users can install scikits.odes to utilize its interfaced SUNDIALS ODE and DAE solvers wrapped in PyBaMM.


Currently, only GNU/Linux and macOS are supported.


The scikits.odes solver is not supported on Python 3.12 yet. Please refer to bmcage/odes#162. There is support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11.

In a terminal, run the following commands:

apt-get install libopenblas-dev
pip install wget cmake

system (under ~/.local), before installing scikits.odes. (Alternatively, one can install SUNDIALS without this script and run pip install pybamm[odes] to install pybamm with scikits.odes.)

In a terminal, run the following command:

brew install openblas gcc gfortran
pip install wget cmake

The pybamm_install_odes command, installed with PyBaMM, automatically downloads and installs the SUNDIALS library on your system (under ~/.local), before installing scikits.odes . (Alternatively, one can install SUNDIALS without this script and run pip install pybamm[odes] to install pybamm with scikits.odes)

To avoid installation failures when using pip install pybamm[odes], make sure to set the SUNDIALS_INST environment variable. If you have installed SUNDIALS using Homebrew, set the variable to the appropriate location. For example:

export SUNDIALS_INST=$(brew --prefix sundials)

Ensure that the path matches the installation location on your system. You can verify the installation location by running:

brew info sundials

Look for the installation path, and use that path to set the SUNDIALS_INST variable.

Note: The location where Homebrew installs SUNDIALS might vary based on the system architecture (ARM or Intel). Adjust the path in the export SUNDIALS_INST command accordingly.

To avoid manual setup of path the pybamm_install_odes is recommended for a smoother installation process, as it takes care of automatically downloading and installing the SUNDIALS library on your system.

Optional - JaxSolver#

Users can install jax and jaxlib to use the Jax solver.


The Jax solver is only supported for Python versions 3.9 through 3.12.

pip install "pybamm[jax]"

The pip install "pybamm[jax]" command automatically downloads and installs pybamm and the compatible versions of jax and jaxlib on your system. (pybamm_install_jax is deprecated.)

Uninstall PyBaMM#

PyBaMM can be uninstalled by running

pip uninstall pybamm

in your virtual environment.